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How To: Extend a native input

Input fields can be created by extending LionInput.

In case you want to wrap a custom form element, follow Create a custom Field.

For this tutorial, we create an input that wraps native input[type=datetime-local]. This is as simple as adding a type:

export const extendLionInput = () => {
  class LionInputDatetime extends LionInput {
    constructor() {
      this.type = 'datetime-local';
  customElements.define('lion-input-datetime', LionInputDatetime);

  return html`<lion-input-datetime label="With Date string"></lion-input-datetime>
    <h-output .show="${['modelValue', 'touched', 'dirty', 'focused']}"></h-output>`;

However, we might want to have a more advanced modelValue. In the example above, our modelValue is a serialized datetime string. If we want our modelValue to be of type Date, we should do the following:

export const extendLionInputDate = () => {
  function toIsoDatetime(d) {
    return d && new Date(d.getTime() - d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString().split('.')[0];
  function fromIsoDatetime(value) {
    return new Date(value);

  class LionInputDatetimeWithObject extends LionInputDate {
    constructor() {
      this.type = 'datetime-local';
      this.parser = fromIsoDatetime;
      this.deserializer = fromIsoDatetime;
      this.serializer = toIsoDatetime;
      this.formatter = toIsoDatetime;
  customElements.define('lion-input-datetime-with-object', LionInputDatetimeWithObject);

  return html`<lion-input-datetime-with-object
      label="With Date object"
    <h-output .show="${['modelValue', 'touched', 'dirty', 'focused']}"></h-output>`;