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Core: SlotMixin

The SlotMixin is made for solving accessibility challenges that inherently come with the usage of shadow dom. Until AOM is in place, it is not possible to create relations between different shadow doms. The need for this can occur in the following situations:

  • A user-defined slot. For instance:
  <div slot="help-text">Input description</div>

The help text here needs to be connected to the input element that may live in shadow dom. The input needs to have aria-describedby="help-text-id".

  • An interplay of multiple nested web components. For instance:
  <my-input><input aria-describedby="parent-msg" /></my-input>
  <my-input><input aria-describedby="parent-msg" /></my-input>
  <div id="parent-msg">Group errror message</div>

In the case above, all inputs need to be able to refer the error message of their parent.

In a nutshell: SlotMixin helps you with everything related to rendering light dom (i.e. rendering to slots). You can build accessible ui components with ease, while delegating all edge cases to SlotMixin.

Edge cases that SlotMixin solves:

  • mediates between light dom provided by the user ('public slots') and light dom provided by the component author ('private slots').
  • allows to hook into the reactive update loop of LitElement (rerendering on property changes)
  • respects the scoped registry belonging to the shadow root.

The api

So, what does the api look like? SlotMixin can be used like this:

class MyAccessibleControl extends SlotMixin(LitElement) {
  get slots() {
    return {
      'public-element-slot': () => document.createElement('input'),
      '_private-template-slot': () => html`<wc-rendered-to-light-dom></wc-rendered-to-light-dom>`,


The SlotFunctionResult is the output of the functions provided in get slots(). It can output these four types, which are explained in detail below:

Element | TemplateResult | SlotRerenderObject | undefined;

Below configuration gives an example of all of them, after which we explain when each type should be used

class MyAccessibleControl extends SlotMixin(LitElement) {
 get slots() {
   return {
     // Element
     'public-element-slot': () => document.createElement('input'),
     // TemplateResult
     '_private-template-slot': () => html`<wc-rendered-to-light-dom></wc-rendered-to-light-dom>`,
     // SlotRerenderObject
     'rerenderable-slot': () => {
       return {
         template: html`<w-c>${this.litProperty}</w-c>`,
     // undefined (conditional slot)
     '' => () => {
        if (conditionApplies) {
          return html`<div>default slot</div>`;
        return undefined;


For simple cases, an element can be returned. Use this when no web component is needed.


Return a TemplateResult when you need web components in your light dom. They will be automatically scoped correctly (to the scoped registry belonging to your shadowRoot) If your template needs to rerender as well, use a SlotRerenderObject.


A SlotRerenderObject looks like this:

  template: TemplateResult;
   * For backward compat with traditional light render methods,
   * it might be needed to have slot contents available in `connectedCallback`.
   * Only enable this for existing components that rely on light content availability in connectedCallback.
   * For new components, please align with ReactiveElement/LitElement reactive cycle callbacks.
  firstRenderOnConnected?: boolean;

It is meant for complex templates that need rerenders and are bound to the reactive update cycle. The same lifecycle hooks (for instance updated) can be used as with templates rendered to the shadow root (via the regular render function). For rerendering to work predictably (no focus and other interaction issues), the slot will be created within a wrapper div.


Whether the slot should be rendered can be dependent on a global or instance configuration. When undefined or nothing (implicitly undefined) is returned, SlotMixin will not render the slot

if (this.conditionApplies) {
  // Here we can return `Element | TemplateResult | SlotRerenderObject`
  return html`<div>default slot</div>`;
return undefined;

Private and public slots

Some elements provide a property/attribute api with a fallback to content projection as a means to provide more advanced html. For instance, a simple text label is provided like this:

<my-input label="My label"></my-input>

A more advanced label (using html that can't be provided via a string) can be provided like this:

  <label slot="label"><my-icon aria-hidden="true"></my-icon>My label</label>

In the property/attribute case, SlotMixin adds the <label slot="label"> under the hood, unless the developer already provided the slot. This will make sure that the slot provided by the user always takes precedence and only one slot instance will be available in light dom per slot.

Default slot

As can be seen in the example of SlotFunctionResults, '' can be used to add content to the default slot