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Checkbox Group: Overview

A checkbox group enhances the functionality of the native <input type="checkbox"> element. Its purpose is to provide a way for users to check multiple options amongst a set of choices, or to function as a single toggle.

You should use our checkbox elements as children in checkbox group.

<lion-checkbox-group name="scientists[]" label="Favorite scientists">
  <lion-checkbox label="Archimedes" .choiceValue="${'Archimedes'}"></lion-checkbox>
  <lion-checkbox label="Francis Bacon" .choiceValue="${'Francis Bacon'}"></lion-checkbox>
  <lion-checkbox label="Marie Curie" .choiceValue="${'Marie Curie'}"></lion-checkbox>

Make sure that the checkbox-group also has a name attribute, this is necessary for our form's serialization result.


Since it extends from our fieldset, it has all the features a fieldset has.


npm i --save @lion/ui
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-checkbox-group.js';
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-checkbox-indeterminate.js';
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-checkbox.js';