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Textarea: Overview

A webcomponent that enhances the functionality of the native <input type="textarea"> element. Its purpose is to provide a way for users to write text that is multiple lines long.

export const main = () => html`
  <lion-textarea label="Stops growing after 4 rows" max-rows="4"></lion-textarea>


  • Default rows is 2 and it will grow to max-rows of 6.
  • max-rows attribute to set the amount of rows it should resize to, before it will scroll
  • rows attribute to set the minimum amount of rows
  • readonly attribute to prevent changing the content
  • Uses Intersection Observer for detecting visibility change, making sure it resizes


npm i --save @lion/ui
import { LionTextarea } from '@lion/ui/textarea.js';
// or
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-textarea.js';