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Switch: Overview

The Switch is used to toggle a property or feature on or off.

import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { ScopedElementsMixin } from '@open-wc/scoped-elements/lit-element.js';
import { LionSwitch } from '@lion/ui/switch.js';

class MyComponent extends ScopedElementsMixin(LitElement) {
  static get scopedElements() {
    return { 'lion-switch': LionSwitch };
  render() {
    return html`<lion-switch label="Label" help-text="Help text"></lion-switch>`;
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);

export const main = () => previewHtml`<my-component></my-component>`;

When to use

  • Toggling the component on or off has an immediate action (no confirmation by the user required).
  • The Switch is typically used in setting applications.
  • The Switch is not a Checkbox in disguise and can not be used as part of a form.


  • Get or set the checked state (boolean) - checked boolean attribute
  • Pre-select an option by setting the checked boolean attribute
  • Get or set the value of the choice - choiceValue()

How to use


  1. Install
npm i --save @lion/ui
  1. Use scoped registry
import { html, LitElement } from 'lit';
import { ScopedElementsMixin } from '@open-wc/scoped-elements/lit-element.js';
import { LionSwitch } from '@lion/ui/switch.js';

class MyComponent extends ScopedElementsMixin(LitElement) {
  static get scopedElements() {
    return { 'lion-switch': LionSwitch };
  render() {
    return html`<lion-switch></lion-switch>`;
  1. Use html
<script type="module">
  import '@lion/ui/define/lion-switch.js';
