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Input Stepper: Overview

A web component that enables the user to increase and decrease a numeric value by predefined range. It is a combination of two buttons and a number input field with an optional slot after to suffix the extra information.

<lion-input-stepper max="5" min="0" name="count">
  <label slot="label">RSVP</label>
  <div slot="help-text">Max. 5 guests</div>


  • Based on our input.
  • Set min and max value to define the range.
  • Set step value in integer or decimal to increase and decrease the value.
  • Use ArrowUp or ArrowDown to update the value.


npm i --save @lion/ui
import { LionInputStepper } from '@lion/ui/input-stepper.js';
// or
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-input-stepper.js';