Dialog: Use Cases
is a component wrapping a modal dialog controller.
Its purpose is to make it easy to use our Overlay System declaratively.
<div slot="content">
This is a dialog
<button @click="${e => e.target.dispatchEvent(new Event('close-overlay', { bubbles: true }))}">x</button>
<button slot="invoker">Click me</button>
Alert dialog
In some cases the dialog should act like an alertdialog, which is a combination of an alert and dialog. If that is the case, you can add is-alert-dialog
attribute, which sets the correct role on the dialog.
export const alertDialog = () => {
return html`
<lion-dialog is-alert-dialog class="dialog">
<button type="button" slot="invoker">Reset</button>
<div slot="content" class="demo-box">
Are you sure you want to clear the input field?
@click="${ev => ev.target.dispatchEvent(new Event('close-overlay', { bubbles: true }))}"
@click="${ev => ev.target.dispatchEvent(new Event('close-overlay', { bubbles: true }))}"
External trigger
export const externalTrigger = () => {
const externalTriggerDialog = () => {
class DialogTriggerDemo extends LitElement {
static get properties() {
return {
_isOpen: { state: true },
toggleDialog(open) {
return () => (this._isOpen = open);
handleDialog(e) {
this._isOpen = e.detail.opened;
render() {
return html`
<button @click=${this.toggleDialog(true)}>Open dialog</button>
<lion-dialog ?opened=${this._isOpen} @opened-changed=${this.handleDialog}>
<div slot="content" class="dialog demo-box">
Hello! You can close this notification here:
<button class="close-button" @click=${this.toggleDialog(false)}>⨯</button>
return html`
<div class="demo-box_placements">
Placement overrides
export const placementOverrides = () => {
const dialog = placement => {
const cfg = { viewportConfig: { placement } };
return html`
<lion-dialog .config="${cfg}">
<button slot="invoker">Dialog ${placement}</button>
<div slot="content" class="dialog demo-box">
Hello! You can close this notification here:
@click="${e => e.target.dispatchEvent(new Event('close-overlay', { bubbles: true }))}"
return html`
<div class="demo-box_placements">
${dialog('center')} ${dialog('top-left')} ${dialog('top-right')} ${dialog('bottom-left')}
Configuration passed to config
viewportConfig: {
placement: ... // <-- choose a position
Other overrides
No backdrop, hides on escape, prevents scrolling while opened, and focuses the body when hiding.
export const otherOverrides = () => {
const cfg = {
hasBackdrop: false,
hidesOnEscape: true,
preventsScroll: true,
elementToFocusAfterHide: document.body,
return html`
<lion-dialog .config="${cfg}">
<button slot="invoker">Click me to open dialog</button>
<div slot="content" class="demo-dialog-content">
Hello! You can close this dialog here:
@click="${e => e.target.dispatchEvent(new Event('close-overlay', { bubbles: true }))}"
Configuration passed to config
hasBackdrop: false,
hidesOnEscape: true,
preventsScroll: true,
elementToFocusAfterHide: document.body