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Input Datepicker: Use Cases

Minimum and maximum date

Below are examples of different validators for dates.

export const minimumAndMaximumDate = () => html`
    .modelValue="${new Date('2018/05/30')}"
    .validators="${[new MinMaxDate({ min: new Date('2018/05/24'), max: new Date('2018/06/24') })]}"
    <div slot="help-text">
      Enter a date between ${formatDate(new Date('2018/05/24'))} and
      ${formatDate(new Date('2018/06/24'))}.

Disable specific dates

export const disableSpecificDates = () => html`
    help-text="You're not allowed to choose any 15th."
    .modelValue="${new Date('2023/06/15')}"
    .validators="${[new IsDateDisabled(d => d.getDate() === 15)]}"

Calendar heading

You can modify the heading of the calendar with the .calendarHeading property or calendar-heading attribute for simple values.

By default, it will take the label value.

export const calendarHeading = () => html`
    .calendarHeading="${'Custom heading'}"
    .modelValue="${new Date()}"


You can disable datepicker inputs.

export const disabled = () => html`
  <lion-input-datepicker label="Disabled" disabled></lion-input-datepicker>

Read only

You can set datepicker inputs to readonly, which will prevent the user from opening the calendar popup.

export const readOnly = () => html`
  <lion-input-datepicker label="Readonly" readonly .modelValue="${new Date()}">

Faulty prefilled

Faulty prefilled input will be cleared

export const faultyPrefilled = () => html`
  <lion-input-datepicker label="Faulty prefiiled" .modelValue="${new Date('30/01/2022')}">