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Switch: Use Cases


You can disable switches.

<lion-switch label="Label" disabled></lion-switch>


An example that illustrates how an info validation feedback can be always displayed.

class IsTrue extends Validator {
  static get validatorName() {
    return 'IsTrue';
  execute(value) {
    return !value.checked;
  static async getMessage() {
    return "You won't get the latest news!";

class CustomSwitch extends LionSwitch {
  static get validationTypes() {
    return [...super.validationTypes, 'info'];

  _showFeedbackConditionFor(type, meta) {
    if (type === 'info') {
      return true;
    return super._showFeedbackConditionFor(type, meta);
customElements.define('custom-switch', CustomSwitch);

export const validation = () => html`
    label="Subscribe to newsletter"
    .validators="${[new IsTrue(null, { type: 'info' })]}"

With checked-changed handler

You can listen for a checked-changed event that is fired when the switch is clicked.

export const handler = ({ shadowRoot }) => {
  return html`
      @checked-changed="${ev => {
        shadowRoot.querySelector('sb-action-logger').log(`Current value: ${}`);